~Indigenous land acknowledgement~

Éy swáyel 

Strathcona Elementary School's library and those who use it are proud to live, work, play and read on the Stó:lō unceded traditional territory of the Pilalt tribe.

This year, my journey towards reconciliation involves broadening my own knowledge and understanding of the Halq'emeylem language, incorporating local Stó:lō stories into library time, introducing traditional language to students, and elevating the visibility and accessibility of indigenous books in the library collection.


~Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr~

Happy Eid al-Fitr to all who celbrate.

Sometime during the week starting April 7th, many Muslims in BC and around the world will celebrate Eid al-Fitr (also known as Id al-Fitr or Eid ul-Fitr). Eid-al Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, a festive occasion celebrated with loved ones. Festivities during Eid al-Fitr involve gathering with loved ones to share meals and enjoy each other’s company. It’s customary to give “Eidi,” monetary gifts to children as tokens of affection.


Educational Pedagogical Perspectives, will provide a diverse range of viewpoints on education, schools, and learning. It will offer insights from experts in the field, including teachers, researchers, and policymakers. The section aims to foster a deeper understanding of the complex issues surrounding education and to encourage critical thinking about the future of learning.

This month, I'd like to share another podcast from The Thought Stretchers Podcast titled, The Side Effects of School.

In this episode, Host Drew Perkins and guests clinical psychologist Naomi Fisher and the Executive Director of the Adolescent Flourishing Initiative at The University of Austin, Michael Strong discuss the question, 

Does traditional schooling lead to poor mental health for students?

~ Solar Eclipse Resource ~

Through the Eyes of NASA

Join NASA as a total solar eclipse moves across North America on April 8, 2024, travelling through Mexico, across the United States from Texas to Maine, and out across Canada’s Atlantic coast. Tune in for live views from across the path, expert commentary, live demos, and more.

Monday, April 8, 2024 - 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT

YouTube Book Read-Aloud:

~ New BOOKS ~

A small sample of new books added to the collection this month. See the full collection here.


Books and other library materials all have archenemies. One of those just happens to be the mighty elements themselves. How you ask? Well, just watch this video. And remember, book care, it's good for everyone!

It is crucial to store and transport these books within a protective 'second skin,' such as a book bag (available for purchase at the library for just $1) or a similar water-resistant bag.


Besides serving as an invaluable resource for students, the school library extends its welcoming doors to adults as well. Should you intend to frequent the library, I can facilitate the creation of an account for you, much like the process at a public library. This school library offers an excellent selection of chapter books suitable for family read-aloud sessions, as well as a diverse assortment of picture books perfect for nightly bedtime stories with your children.

~ KIDS Podcast Spotlight ~


Little Kids, Big Hearts helps kids and their grown-ups grow social and emotional skills, a.k.a. Big Hearts, with a little help from the show's host, Todd Loyd, a longtime early childhood educator. It’s a space where kids LEAD the discussion and explore big ideas in SEL — from feelings to friendship to helping others — together. If you like using your imagination, hanging out with puppets, going on mindfulness journeys to magical worlds, and eating gummy bears that grow on trees, then you're in the right place! Recommended for big-hearted kids ages 3-8 (and their grown-ups).

View other podcast recommendations here


Mr. Penguin and the Lost Treasure written and illustrated by Alex T. Smith

Type: Illustrated Chapter Book

Genre: Mystery

Grades: 1+

Pages: 202

Published: 2019

Calling all adventure fans! Mr. Penguin, a detective in a dapper bowtie, is itching for a case. Enter Bouddica Bones from the Museum of Extraordinary Objects with a missing treasure! Penguin and his silent but deadly sidekick, Colin the spider, chase clues through secret passages, dodge grumpy alligators, and maybe even encounter some… falling toilets? Hilarious antics and a treasure hunt collide in this whirlwind of a mystery! 


In our new AI Perspectives section, let's delve into conversations around generative AI. Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can generate new content, such as text, images, or even music, based on patterns and data it has been trained on. It's like a creative tool that can produce somewhat original outputs.

However, it's essential to clarify what generative AI is not. It is not sentient or conscious; it lacks self-awareness and does not possess personal experiences or emotions. Generative AI operates based on the patterns it has learned from the input data and cannot think or understand concepts in the same way humans do.

As we explore AI perspectives, I'll aim to share how generative AI impacts our lives and its potential applications in education. If you have any specific questions or topics you'd like us to cover in future newsletters, feel free to let me know! 

I am an artificial intelligence called Claude, created by Anthropic as a large language model to assist humans with analysis, writing, problem-solving and other tasks through natural language conversations.


Privacy Concerns: AI often relies on vast amounts of data to function effectively. This can raise concerns about the privacy of individuals, especially children. Parents may worry about the collection and use of their children's data by AI systems, particularly if it's used for targeted advertising or other purposes without their consent. It's important to emphasize the need for transparency and consent when collecting and using data, especially when it involves minors.

Algorithmic Bias: AI systems can perpetuate and even exacerbate existing biases present in society. For example, if an AI-powered educational tool recommends different learning materials or paths based on a student's demographic information, it could inadvertently reinforce stereotypes or limit opportunities for certain groups. Parents should be aware of the potential for bias in AI systems and advocate for fairness and accountability in their development and deployment.

Equity and Access: There is a risk that AI-powered educational tools may exacerbate existing disparities in access to quality education. For example, if certain schools or communities lack access to the technology needed to support AI-based learning platforms, it could widen the achievement gap. It's essential to consider issues of equity and access when implementing AI in education and work towards solutions that ensure all students have the opportunity to benefit from these technologies.

In conclusion, while AI has the potential to revolutionize education and improve learning outcomes for students, it's important to approach its use with caution and consideration for the ethical implications. 



The school library will gladly take any children's books you would like to donate only if they are in excellent used condition

Feeling philanthropic? The school library would love to receive any hardcover book on this list.

 The Book Man our very own family-run, locally-owned used bookstore in Historic Downtown Chilliwack would be more than happy to help you purchase books on this list. You can find their contact information here

If the Book Man cannot find a copy then you can find it on the school library's Amazon Wish List

~The positivity podcast~

Grade 5 students are currently working on Season 2 of The Positivity Podcast. In anticipation of the new season please feel free to check out our first season that was recorded and released in June 2023, and is available wherever you get your podcasts.


There’s an oft-repeated question, a conversational game of sorts, that asks, “If you could go back in time and change one thing in the history of the world, what would you change?” We sometimes forget that one thing can be done right now to positively impact the future.

Watermelon Girl, a tale about growing, giving, and building community Once upon a time, a king ruled over a grand watermelon kingdom. With his belly full of delicious watermelon, the king lived a life of content solitude. He was grateful for the bounty with no need for the world beyond. But as all tales must twist, the king’s reign came to an end with his death. And only then, looking beyond his castle walls from the statue erected in his honour, did he see what more he could have done.